Port Dickson, Malaysia

Video Gallery

Explore the universe with us

Collection of videos from Telok Kemang Observatory.

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Rotation of Jupiter along with its moon’s shadow. Captured by internship students from Universiti Malaya.

Facts about Jupiter (in Malay). The video was captured by internship student from University Sains Islam Malaysia.

Rising of Waning Crescent Moon observed from Telok Kemang observatory. Earthshine effect also can be seen clearly.

Geminid Meteor Shower 2017. Spectacular view of meteors can be seen from Telok Kemang Observatory.

Eta Aquarid Meteor 2017. Numbers of meteor successfully recorded at Telok Kemang Observatory during peak of this meteor shower.

Fireball was captured on cloudy sky at Telok Kemang Observatory. Watch the stunning fireball comes out in between of the moving clouds.

Magnificent lightning captured from Telok Kemang Observatory. Watch the lightning striking out from cumulonimbus cloud.

Dazzling sunset from Telok Kemang Observatory. Using telescope at the Solar Observatory, mirages effect was captured clearly.

Brief explanation (in Malay) about star trails and collection of it from Telok Kemang Observatory.  Watch the motion of stars in the night sky due to Earth’s rotation.

orion nebula

Learn some facts (in Malay) about Orion Nebula. Pictures and video are taken from Telok Kemang Observatory.

Partial Lunar Eclipse
8 August 2017

Timelapse of Partial Lunar Eclipse from Telok Kemang Observatory on 8 August 2017. 

International Space Station

Tiny and fast moving object in the sky! That’s how ISS looks from the Earth with naked eyes. Watch the recorded footage of ISS passing Port Dickson’s sky.