
Perigee moon or mostly known as supermoon is a new or full moon that coincides with the moon’s closest approach to Earth in its orbit. Supermoon appears brighter and closer than normal full moon, although it is difficult to see the differences by using naked eye. This phenomena occur because of the moon’s orbit around the Earth is not perfectly circle. The average distance of moon is 382,900km from earth. Any full moon or new moon that comes to within 361,740km or less of the earth called the supermoon.
Supermoon can happen several times in a year but not every month because the moon’s orbit changes orientation as the earth goes around the sun. As supermoon occur when the moon closest to earth so does micromoon. Micromoon or apogee moon is a full moon that coincides with the moon’s farthest approach from earth,the moon appear small.
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