
Mars sometimes called the Red Planet, is the fourth planet from the Sun with a distance of around 227,940,000 km. Compared to the Earth, Mars a bit smaller with a diameter of about 6779 km, half size of the Earth, two times the size of our Moon. Although Mars smaller than Earth, it has the same amount of dry land. One year on Mars is 687 Earth day meaning two years on Earth equal to one year on Mars. Mars has two moons called Phobos and Deimos.
Mars atmosphere consists of 96% Carbon Dioxide, 2.7% Nitrogen, 1.6% Argon, and about 0.13% Oxygen. It is home to the tallest mountain in the solar system named Olympus Mons with a high of 21 km and 600 km in diameter. Despite having formed billion years ago, the scientist believes it could still be active as recently the evidence from volcanic lava flows was found. Apart from home to the tallest mountain, Mars also has the largest dust storms in the solar system, which could last for months and covering the whole planet.